Purpose increases performance

A positive culture with a clear purpose and empathetic interaction strengthens trust, identification and loyalty within the company – and can also send a signal to the outside world.

Money alone does not make you happy
Finding qualified employees is already hard, but keeping them is even harder. After all, a high salary and above-average success have long since ceased to guarantee job satisfaction. Especially highly qualified specialists and managers are looking for a vocation in their jobs, i.e. a deeper meaning or purpose. If this is not the case, they leave sooner. According to a survey by career portal Xing, one in two people have already changed jobs to find a job that was more fulfilling.

The mission statement sets the direction
A corporate culture that is perceived as meaningful and appreciative is therefore increasingly important for employee retention. The basis for this is the respective mission statement, which defines the vision, strategy and goal. While vision defines the goal and strategy the way to achieve it, purpose describes a company’s benefits beyond profit maximisation. From this, in turn, values can be derived as action-oriented guidelines and a general understanding of leadership.

Purpose increases performance
The more meaningful employees find the purpose of the company and their tasks, the more they identify with it – according to a study by the renowned Harvard Business School. Moreover, motivation increases performance and loyalty, which in turn has a positive impact on turnover and success.

Empathy strengthens loyalty and attraction
A company’s purpose is the lighthouse that everyone is oriented towards. But only empathetic leadership behaviour makes it shine: Because it is only when employees feel seen, understood and valued that the agreement and emotional connection is created that leads them to stay with the company longer. Both give employees stability in turbulent times and also have an external impact on employer branding. After all, companies that are said to have a positive company culture – and that communicate this clearly and credibly, for example with purposeful recruitment – are also attractive to job applicants.

Are you interested in defining your purpose and putting it into practice? Get in touch via


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